NMN vaidmens palaikant senstančių pelių storosios žarnos sveikatą suvokimas

NMN vaidmens palaikant senstančių pelių storosios žarnos sveikatą suvokimas


The gut is a diverse and dynamic microbiotic system. There are about 100 trillion microorganisms in the gut,kuris yramainly composed of anaerobic, partially anaerobic, and aerobic bacteria.In the process of ageing, the intestinal tract may show an increase in the permeability of the epithelial barrier and impaired tight junction proteins.Notably, supplementingβ-Nicotinamide mononucleotide(NMN) to elevateNAD+lygisHas been proved toprolong life andmaintain thecolonhealtasin ageing Mice.

Research protocol

Zmpste24−/− miceare frequently used in the construction of the prematurely ageing model, due to their features of slow weight gain, malnutrition and progressive hair loss, with a short median survival of about 20 weeks.Herein, to fathom out the role of NMN in maintaining the colon health of ageing mice, Zmpste24−/−mice aged 5-7 weeks are orally gavaged with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), or NMN at 100/300 mg kg−1 every other day until natural death. Likewise, natural ageing C57BL/6 mice aged 10 months old are subjected to the oral gavage of PBS or NMN at300 mg kg−1, serving as the the control. During experiments, the body weight of mice is recorded, and their frailty index and fecal samples are detected.

The life span and frailty indices inZmpste24-/-mice after NMN treatment

NMN extends the healthy and median lifespan of Zmpste24−/−improves the Zmpste24−/− ageing phenotype. Specifically, the median lifespan of the mice is increased from 21.4 weeks to 25.7 weekspost NMN intervention, with more than 20% growth. Also, NMN effectively increases body weight. Meanwhile, mice have better overall health after NMN treatment, as manifested by the slowly increasing trend towards Sinclair's frailty indices.

The role of NMN in the intestinal tract of ageing mice

NMN adjuststhe activity of genes involved in ageing mice colons.Simply put,n the presence of NMN supplement,the protein level of transcriptional regulator P53 is reduced, while the expression levels of ageing marker Sirt1, NMNAT2 and NMNAT3 are elevated.

NMN improves the pathology of intestinal epithelial cells and intestinal permeability, as evidenced by the upregulation of intestinal tight junction protein (Claudin1,) and the number of goblet cells, the elevated release of anti-inflammatory factor (IL-10), and the increasing beneficial intestinal bacteria (Akkermansia muciniphilairBifidobacterium pseudolongum).



NMNPapildųDaroa protective effect on colon mucosa by controlling the activity of genes involved in ageing, intestinal stem cell differentiation and improving intestinal flora homeostasis,which may be a viable strategy for maintaining healthy ageing in the gut.


Yanrou Gu,Lidan Gao, Jiamin He et al.β-Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation prolongs the lifespan of prematurely aged mice and protects colon function in ageing mice.Food Funct., 2024 (15): 3199-3213.DOI: 10.1039/D3FO05221D


BONTACYrathe pioneer ofNMNindustryand the first manufacturer to launch NMN mass production, with the first whole-enzyme catalysis technology around the world. At present, BONTAC has become the leading enterprise in niche areas of coenzyme products. Our services and products have been highly recognized by global partners. Furthermore, BONTAC has the first national and the only provincial independent coenzyme engineering technology research center in Guangdong, China. The coenzyme products of BOMNTAC are widely used in fields such as nutritional health, biomedicine, medical beauty, daily chemicals and green agriculture.

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